play backward index mystery
Words Matter

The True Story of the Backward Index

These people needed a computer

There it sits, hidden in plain view on a set of shelves in the basement of the Merriam-Webster offices: the Backward Index. But why would anyone type out 315,000 words spelled in reverse?

Up next

play backward index mystery
The True Story of the Backward Index


These people needed a computer

play emily brewster and one and the same text graphic
'One in the same' or 'One and the same'?


Is it all the same anyway?

play emily-brewster-with-the-words-effect-affect-on-screen
How to Remember 'Affect' and 'Effect'


A simple way to keep them apart. (Most of the time.)

play video its vs its
Its vs. It's


Some practical guidance, and interesting history, about a common mistake.

play serial comma
The Serial Comma Explained


Why don't they call it the Merriam-Webster comma?

play calendar that says day today
Is It 'Day today' or 'Day-to-day'?


What about Day Tomorrow?

play video mischievous nulcear library mispronunciations
'Mispronunciations' That May Be Fine


'Mischievous,' 'nuclear,' and other words to pronounce with caution.